Oh la la!

Jan 12, 2011 by

Belgrade street styleBelgrade street style

You know, I’m wondering why do I always come across foreigners when I go out hunting people? Every time I spot at least one person who I think would be a perfect addition to the site and later I find out he/she is just visiting Belgrade. Case in point, I met this guy a few days ago on the street, thought I must take a picture of him and when we started to speak he told me he’s not from Belgrade, but from Paris! Well, he’s sort of a foreigner – he now lives in Paris, but originally he’s from Serbia :). Nonetheless, I find him very chic and French-y, do you?!

1 Comment

  1. Milos

    Believe it or not, he is from Serbia and just recently (a year and something) he left to phD studies to Paris. He is a FON grad student, just like Toma and myself. By chance I know the guy http://milstan.net .. :)

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